General Guidelines for Emergency Situations or Other Injuries

  2. Call EMS (911) immediately for any condition that potentially is life or limb threatening, including loss of consciousness for ANY reason, uncontrollable bleeding, compound or grossly disfigured bone fractures or dislocations, seizure, and/or any suspected spinal injury.
  3. If the player is conscious and lucid, acquire consent from parents before providing care.
  4. Care should only be given by staff members that are CPR/AED and First Aid certified. NEVER attempt to provide care beyond your training!
  5. Follow the Emergency Action Plan as closely as possible, but be prepared to adjust depending on personnel available at the time of emergency. 

Medical Emergencies

In the event of a serious medical emergency at a training, game, tournament, or other DC Soccer Club activity, the following steps should be taken:

  1. Call EMS (911)
  2. Notify the nearest coach or Club staff member onsite that EMS has been called
  3. Coach/Staff will collect player information: Name, Date of Birth, injury, parents’ names and phone numbers
  4. Coach/Staff will contact parents or ask another adult to do so, if they are not onsite
  5. Coach/Staff will accompany player in the ambulance, if needed, if parents are not on site

EMS (911) Guidelines

When dialing 911 please have the following information available to give the dispatcher:

  • Address (home fields most frequently used by DC Soccer Club can be found here)
  • Location of player. BE AS SPECIFIC AS POSSIBLE!
  • Location of where the ambulance will be met by a designated person to aid with directions
  • Caller's name and phone number
  • A designated person to meet the ambulance 
  • As much information about player as possible:
    • Name
    • Gender
    • Age
    • Current medical condition and mental status
    • Medical history, if available
    • Allergies to medications, if available

Example Script: “My name is ____________ and I have a player in need of immediate medical attention at ______________. The player is a 16-year-old male suffering from ________. Please meet ____________ at the ________ (exact location) and they will help direct the ambulance to us.” 

Mass Attacks

In the very unexpected circumstance of a Mass Attack (active shooter, suspicious package, or other weapons), take the following steps:

  • Stay Alert. Always be aware of your environment and any possible dangers.
  • If you see something, say something to Coaches/DC Soccer Club Staff. This includes suspicious packages, people behaving strangely, or someone using strange communications.
  • Observe warning signs. Signs might include unusual or violent communications, expressed anger, or intent to cause harm and substance abuse. 
  • Call EMS (911).
  • Remain calm, follow law enforcement’s instructions, if they are present, and evacuate in the direction they tell you to.
  • Coaches/DC Soccer Club staff should notify parents – ASAP and when safe to do so – and DC Soccer Club Executive Director who will assist in providing parent updates.
    • 202-715-1653