February 17th - Last day for the Guaranteed Return to Team process (Returning players from Fall 2024 who register before February 17th are guaranteed team placement on the same team from the previous season) and also the last day of the Early Bird discount (fee increases $20 on 2/18).

February 18th – Beginning this day, any registered player is eligible for any open spot on a team **

February 28th - Last day for 'regular' priced registration- Late Fee applies (additional $30) on March 1st

March 7th @ 12 noon- Team Formation Deadline: no new teams may be created after this point. This deadline may be earlier at the discretion of the AGC.

March 24th – Game schedules due to be posted

April 5th – First games 

April 12th – First games for Pre-K Plus teams

**Pre-K Plus starts April 12th. The eligible age range for Pre-K Plus participants is 3/1/2019 to 8/31/2020. If you would like to register for Pre- K Plus please go HERE. (Pre-K Plus registration is no longer included within this Rec registration).